Team & Career

Work Ethic

What is it like to be part of the International Department of the KIT gGmbH?

Are you looking for a position in a meaningful sector like education? Is it important to you to be able to actively develop ideas and bring forward projects in a company with short-decision paths and a flat hierarchy? Does it appeal to you to work in an international environment and a non-profit organization that fits your moral attitude?

Then you have come to the right place!

The philosophy of the International Department is based on these pillars and we have developed five integrative school concepts.

  • Founded 25 years ago in a unique effort from Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and industry to attract international professionals to Germany
  • Offering tailor-made English taught education programs for engineers and natural scientists following the concept of life-long learning   
  • Preparing future leaders for academia and industry
  • Dedicated to constant development of the programs in a mutual exchange
  • Being a strong partner in science management as well as for industry following the goals recruiting, retention and re-qualification
  • Creating environments for students, doctoral researchers, professors and the public to come together and learn
  • Integrating sustainability measures with building adjustments and office policies as well as in the curricula of our programs
  • Located in the heart of Karlsruhe

Beyond being a workplace, the International Department is a place where personal and professional growth are actively encouraged.
Every day unfolds with opportunities to take on new challenges and put creative solutions into practice. We operate as a dynamic team, support each other and develop the future together. In 2023, the International Department of the KIT was awarded Employer of the Future.

Are you ready to begin this exciting journey?
Join us and become part of shaping the future of education!

Student Assistants:

Jobs Openings

Want to be part of an exciting international community helping students, doctoral researchers, and professionals achieve their educational goals as well as creating a basis to facilitate research in one of our Graduate Schools? Take the chance and apply to one of our job openings.
ID Jobs can range from student assistants, interns to part-time or full-time employees. 

International Department Logo International Department, KIT